
All posts by: growthbotics

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4 Main Features that Forex Broker want in a AI Blockchain Telegram chat assistant

We were requested by a Malaysian forex broker named Tradesto to build out their BC capabilities in time for their ICO, token and brokerage blockchain services launch date. They wanted an AI NLU (Natural Learning Understanding) assistance bot to get unique leads in Telegram and automatically handle existing user requests. There are four main features […]

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CONFIDENTIAL! A Step by Step Process of Developing AI Solutions for a Bank.

According to KPMG, only 20% of the population in Cambodia have a bank account. (https://theaseanpost.com/article/banking-southeast-asias-unbanked). Despite this astounding statistic, Cambodians are quite tech savvy, partially attributed to the fact that the average age in Cambodia is 24 years of age. Data collected in September 2016 by USAID and partners show that over 96% of the […]

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4 Main Features that Forex Broker want in a AI powered Blockchain Telegram chat assistant

We were requested by a Malaysian forex broker named Tradesto to build out their AI capabilities in time for their ICO, token and brokerage blockchain services launch date. They wanted an AI NLU (Natural Learning Understanding) assistance bot to get unique leads in Telegram and automatically handle existing user requests. There are four main features […]

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4 Steps in Building an AI Powered Chat Assistance Insurtech Application

Growthbotics.com was tasked with building a B2B/B2C AI powered chat application for an American insurance financing company, IPFS. IPFS provides financing for insurance providers and holders. The chat application’s main feature was its AI NLU (Natural Learning Understanding) capabilities and basic chat banking services like account balance checking and loan application. Here are the 4 […]

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Building a Multi-lingual Customer Service Chatbot with Analytics Panel

There has been talks since the early decades about robots taking over human centric jobs such as customer service staffs. Exacerbating the problem is the growing resentment of consumers towards outsourced customer support from major corporations. A rekindled interest and technological improvement in Artificial Intelligence (AI) means that robots for customer support are hitting closer […]

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很可能,大部分流量都會首先來到您的首頁。 不出所料, 轉換率低,主頁也將成為用戶訪問的退出頁面 最後。 營銷人員和電子商務人員誰想要改善轉換和 保留率是明智的優化他們的主頁,因為主頁經常 考慮通往他們網站的門戶。 在這個博客中,我們會比較好的網站和不好的網站,並教你一個 一兩件關於如何提高您的主頁轉換率。   1. 簡單是最好的策略   如果您的首頁沒有在59秒內為訪問者產生興趣,那麼更多 很可能不會,你的訪客會很快下降。 原因是因為 您在主頁上傳達的信息可能不明確也不簡短。 人 和他們的大腦像簡單的事情. 以下面的網站為例,主頁超載 信息並且令人困惑。 用戶可能難以理解到底是什麼 他們提供的服務是和哪一段開始閱讀。 邊欄和 他們提供的服務是和哪一段開始閱讀。 邊欄和…     作為成功的網頁設計的關鍵,簡單性可以解釋為什麼最重要 訪問和受歡迎的網站看起來盡可能簡單。 谷歌是一個偉大的 例:     Simplicity and makes people happy as it frustrates them less. Simplicity makes people focus and garner appeal for your website instead […]

    Growthbotics Develops Artificial Chatbots For Banking, Finance, E-Commerce and Blockchain Industries.


    North Point Offices,No. 1, Medan Syed Putra Utara, 59200,Kuala Lumpur.


    +1 919 641 1442

